Yoga philosophy is a deep-rooted part of the yoga practice. Choose one question per week or month to think deeply about. Writing about it will help you to develop the concepts in a deeper, more tangible way.
The first yama (ethical code) in the yoga sutras is AHIMSA: Non Violence.
How do you incorporate non-violence into your yoga practice AND into your everyday life?
How do you incorporate non-violence into your yoga practice AND into your everyday life?
The second yama (ethical code) in the yoga sutras is SATYA: Truthfulness.
How do you incorporate truthfulness into your yoga practice AND into your everyday life?
How do you incorporate truthfulness into your yoga practice AND into your everyday life?
The third yama (ethical code) in the yoga sutras is ASTEYA: Non-stealing.
How do you incorporate non-stealing into your yoga practice AND into your everyday life?
*Think also of asteya as mankind's greed and craving for artificial needs
How do you incorporate non-stealing into your yoga practice AND into your everyday life?
*Think also of asteya as mankind's greed and craving for artificial needs
The fourth Yama in the Yoga Sutras is Brahmacharya: Continence.
Many people take this to be celibacy, but in the present day where most people marry and have children, we must start to look at it in a different way. I think of it as conserving of energy and life force. Continence literally means self-control/ a holding back.
How and where to you practice self-control and holding back in your life on and off the mat?
Many people take this to be celibacy, but in the present day where most people marry and have children, we must start to look at it in a different way. I think of it as conserving of energy and life force. Continence literally means self-control/ a holding back.
How and where to you practice self-control and holding back in your life on and off the mat?
The fifth yama is Aparigragha: Non-coveting.
Where do you hold on to things you do not need? Physically, materialistically, mentally? In yoga class/practice and out?
Where do you hold on to things you do not need? Physically, materialistically, mentally? In yoga class/practice and out?